Library Day in the Life: Thursday

Here’s what today looked like:

  • in a surprising twist, the day did not start with checking email,etc. Instead, I was up and at work for 7am so that we could shoot our latest video. We need to be there early to shoot before the library opens. It went well – we had some great actors.
  • meeting to talk about consultation process/guidelines for blended service
  • finally catch up on email, etc
  • set up for group participation in Handheld Librarian Online Conference (#hhlib)
  • listened to keynote of the #hhlib
  • meeting
  • attended remaining sessions on #hhlib. Lots of info on using SMS/text for reference service and other mobile goodness, which of course, got me thinking about it. Canada is behind when it comes to cell phones and half decent plans. Unless you have a plan, and admittedly most people I know do, texting costs to both send and receive. While it would be nice to offer service through text, one of the dominant ways students communicate these days, I wonder if this service would create a digital divide. Not everyone may be willing to pay to use the service. Of course, we offer IM service and many are without computers still, but libraries also offer access to computers; we do not offer access to cell phones. I doubt that this line of thinking would affect too many, but it did make me pause and consider who it is we are trying to serve and what about the rest of our users?
  • 1 hour shift on email/im

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