Facebook and Library Catalogues

Well, it seems Ryerson University Library has added a Facebook application that allows you to search their catalogue. Kudos to them! I’m going to have to give it a full test run, but my brief search seemed to bring back good results. I thought I had read earlier that some libraries were having difficulty getting library catalogue applications added to Facebook, so hopefully this one will remain. If you have a Facebook account, check it out!

2 thoughts on “Facebook and Library Catalogues”

  1. yea, apparently FB is deleting web search applications (which they consider opac searches to be)… something about the fact that they violate their ToS. I think some libraries have called FB on this, so it will be interesting to see how it all shakes out.

  2. i read somewhere that it had something to do with having a form on the application ‘profile’ view.. but either way, its technically not a WEB search but a site search. definitely a gray area in their ToS (well i didn’t exactly read the whole thing)

    i modified an existing library search app using the developer tools and was able to create a working endeca catalog search (test), i imagine expanding on that with some actual creativity, making it look good, and it should work fine, and be easily modified and built upon whenever necessary.

    as far as i know, for the directory, it doesn’t *have* to be listed there to work. posting the link to appropriate groups and sending invitations could work until the ToS thing is sorted out.

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