Code4Lib North convert

I attended my first Code4Lib North conference last week. The first day was Hackfest – I love the notion of getting a bunch of people together, people who have not worked together before, to solve agreed upon problems. I would love to see more of this happen within the library world and wonder if it could work within an institution. One day a week or month, get everyone together, decide on a problem or two, and spend the day actually trying to solve it. I want to try this (I’m pretty sure this occurs in other industries – has anyone done it in their library?).

The second day was full of short presentations on all of the neat projects programmers and web folk were working on – be sure to check out the wiki and here for content from the day (video link coming soon). The group was small – great for meeting and talking with a bunch of interesting folk. This was one of the first conferences in a while where I went away with really exciting new tech ideas – I felt I learned a ton but also left excited to learn a heck of a lot more!

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