Gaming in Libraries

I attended a great SirsiDynix Institute on Gaming in Libraries by Jenny Levine. I finally received her book on the same topic and can’t wait to devour it. If you get a chance to hear her talk on the topic, I highly recommend it (it’s also archived at the SirsiDynix Institute and her blog).

One of the things she said really made sense to me. I’m sure others have heard this already, but I think this was the first time I had.

We can’t be the bosses, we need to be the strategy guide.

Bosses are the final monsters that need to be defeated to get to the next level to a gamer. we can’t be the one’s blocking their path. By being a strategy guide (what ever gamer uses to help them through the hardest parts), we can help them through their challenges. It’s a great metaphor for anyone in reference services. Let’s all aim to be that strategy guide!

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